Agonus cataphractus (Sea mouse)

Agonus cataphractus (Sea mouse)


Cataphracted agonus fish is a fish from the zoarcidae family. It is also known as the Abyss of the Zea Fish. It is a fish from the depths that lives in the cold and dark waters of the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans.

Cataphractus agonus fish is small, with an average length of only 8 centimeters. Its color is generally gray or dark brown, with black transverse strips which give it the appearance of a zebra. His head is wide and flattened, with small and round eyes which allow him to see in the dark waters where he lives.

Cataphracted agonus fish has relatively small pectoral and pelvic fins, which gives it great maneuverability in cold and dark waters where it lives. Its tail is long and narrow, which allows it to quickly propel itself into water.

Cataphracted agonus fish is mainly nourished by small crustaceans and molluscs it finds in the seabed. He is also able to feed on smaller fish than him and plankton.

Cataphracted agonus fish is a lonely fish that lives in great depth, generally between 500 and 1000 meters below the surface of the ocean. It is very difficult to observe because of his hidden life in the depths of the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans.

In summary, the cataphractus agonus fish is a small fish from the depths of the ocean, gray or dark brown in color, with black bands, small and round eyes, and relatively small pectoral and pelvic fins. It feeds mainly on small crustaceans and molluscs, and it lives solo in the cold and dark waters of the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans.



  • Adult size : 15 cm
  • Behaviour : Pleasant, to separate
  • Food : Carnivorous


  • Water type : Sea water, cold
  • Temperature : 12 - 21 °C
  • pH : 4.2 - 7.3
  • Minimum aquarium capacity (in liters) :


Not visible but is seen in behavior.


Unknown in aquarium.


  • Created by : sunnmagic
  • Last update : 31/10/2022

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Agonus decagonus

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