Aphyosemion ahli (APHYOSEMION AHLI)

Aphyosemion ahli (APHYOSEMION AHLI)


Depends on the populations

Ahli aphyosis fish is a small aquarium fish from West Africa. It belongs to the family of Nothobranchiidae, a family of freshwater fish which includes around 70 different species. Ahli APHYOSEMION fish is about 2.5 cm long and is recognizable by its bright orange coloring with black spots on the body and fins.

Ahli APHYOSEMION fish is a peaceful fish that can be maintained in community aquarium with other peaceful species. However, it is recommended to maintain it in a specific aquarium for Aphyosemion, because it needs specific living conditions to reproduce.

Ahli aphyosis fish needs a well planted aquarium with floating plants to create shaded areas. It also needs fresh and not very acidic water with a temperature between 24 and 26 ° C. It is recommended to change about 25% of the aquarium water each week to maintain clean and healthy water.

Ahli APHYOSEMION fish is mainly feeding small insects, molluscs and living worms. It is important to provide him with a varied diet to maintain your health and good physical condition. Ahli APHYOSEMION fish is also known to be a good aquarium cleaner, because it likes to feed on algae and debris that are on the surfaces of the aquarium.

The Ahli Aphiosemion fish is an oviparous fish, that is to say that it lays eggs that must then be hatched. The eggs are laid on the sheets of the plants or on the flat surfaces of the aquarium, and it is important to remove them to put them in a special incubator to make them hatch. Alevines can be fed with artemias or infuses until they are large enough to eat small living insects.

In summary, the Ahli Ahliusmion fish is a small colorful and peaceful aquarium fish that needs specific living conditions to reproduce. It feeds mainly on small living insects and is also a good aquarium cleaner. It is an easy -to -keep fish in community aquarium, but it is important to provide it with a varied diet and clean water to maintain your health and good physical condition.



  • Adult size : 6 cm
  • Behaviour : Pleasant
  • Food : Omnivorous


  • Water type : Freshwater, hot
  • Temperature : 19 - 27 °C
  • pH : 5.5 - 7.2
  • Minimum aquarium capacity (in liters) : 20


  • Created by : vic
  • Last update : 07/10/2022

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