Acanthurus coeruleus (Blue surgeon)

Acanthurus coeruleus (Blue surgeon)


General blue coloring, high body, rounded and laterally tablet. Young individuals are lemon yellow. Like all fish-surgical fish, the absence of plants can cause serious deficiencies.

Acanthurus coeruleus fish is a fish from the Acanthuridae family, which includes around 80 species of fish commonly known as fish-surgical fish. The acanthurus coeruleus fish is also known as the blue chirurgian fish, due to the blue color of its body.

Acanthurus coeruleus fish is a medium -sized fish, up to around 30 cm long. Its body is elongated and flattened laterally, with a caudal fin in the shape of a fire tail and fine and long pectoral fins. The basic color of her body is blue, with a yellow strip on each side of the body, which extends to the base of the caudal fin. The head of the acanthurus coeruleus fish is small and rounded, with pearl -shaped eyes and a pointed muzzle.

The acanthurus coeruleus fish is mainly herbivorous and feeds on different seaweed and marine vegetation. He uses his pointed snout and his caudal fin to move around in the seabed and scrape the rocks to find food. The acanthurus coeruleus fish is also known to be very territorial and defend its vital space against intruders, using its caudal fin as a weapon.

Acanthurus coeruleus fish is a common fish in coral reefs of the Pacific and Indian oceans. It is often seen in a group and can be easily observed in the reefs of many tropical islands, especially in the Caribbean and the Hawaii islands. The acanthurus coeruleus fish is also a popular aquarium fish, due to its bright color and its interesting behavior.

In conclusion, the acanthurus coeruleus fish is a fish from the Acanthuridae family, also known as the blue chirurgian fish. It has a blue body with a yellow strip on each side, a caudal fin in the shape of a fire tail and is mainly herbivorous. The acanthurus coeruleus fish is common in coral reefs of the Pacific and Indian oceans and is a popular aquarium fish.


  • Family : Acanthuridae
  • Origin : Tropical Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean


  • Adult size : 20 cm
  • Behaviour : Gregarious
  • Food : Omnivorous


  • Water type : Seawater, hot
  • Temperature : 23 - 28 °C
  • pH : 8 - 8.5
  • Minimum aquarium capacity (in liters) : 500


Not apparent.


Unknown in aquarium.


  • Created by : seb
  • Last update : 31/10/2022

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