Apistogramma uaupesi (Uaupesi apistogrammma)

Apistogramma uaupesi (Uaupesi apistogrammma)


Uaupesi apistogramma fish is a freshwater fish belonging to the cichlidae family. He is from the Amazon region in Brazil, where he lives in the calm and shallow waters of rivers and lakes.

Uaupesi apistogramma fish is small, measuring about 5 cm in length. Its color is mainly dark gray, with black and white vertical stripes along the body. The lower part of its caudal fin is bright red, adding a touch of color to its general appearance.

Uaupesi apistogramma fish is a gregarious fish, which means that it prefers to live in a group with other individuals in its species. This allows him to feel safe and reproduce more easily. The Apistogramma Uaupesi fish is also known to be territorial, and males can become aggressive when they fight to protect their territory against other males.

Uaupesi apistogramma fish is mainly nourished by small crustaceans and insect larvae which it finds in the water. He uses his mouth in the shape of a beak to scrape the bottom of the water in search of food. The Apistogramma Uaupesi fish is also known to be an excellent hunter, and it can capture greater prey than it by tracking them and attacking them quickly.

Uaupesi apistogramma fish is an easy -to -maintain fish in aquarium, although it needs a little more attention and care than other fish species. He needs a spacious and well planted aquarium, with hiding places to hide and rest areas. Uaupesi apistogramma fish is also sensitive to poor quality water, so it is important to maintain clean water and regularly change water from the aquarium.

In summary, the Apistogrammma Uaupesi fish is an interesting and attractive freshwater fish, which can be an excellent companion for aquarium enthusiasts. With a little care and attention, he can live for a long time and prosper in an environment adapted to his needs.


  • Family : Cichlidae
  • Origin : South America: Amazon basin, in the "Rio Uaupés" and near the "Rio Negro", in Bré


  • Adult size : 9 cm
  • Behaviour : Aggressive
  • Food : Omnivorous


  • Water type : Freshwater, hot
  • Temperature : 23 - 29 °C
  • pH : 3.6 - 5.0
  • Minimum aquarium capacity (in liters) : 100


The caudal and the male's back are much more developed than in the female, no possible ambiguity.


Very difficult in aquarium, but it was successful by Sébastien Québatte in 2005, from a couple F0 imported by Dr. Uwe Römer.


  • Created by : mathjeanjean1104
  • Last update : 31/10/2022

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