Acanthurus Dussumieri (Strong eye surgeon)

Acanthurus Dussumieri (Strong eye surgeon)


Oval body of a little dark brown, yellow strip on the eyes but also the presence of yellow on the beginning of the dorsal and the caudal. The end of the fins is blue. The scalpel is erectile and clearly visible.

The Acanthurus Dussumieri fish is a reef fish commonly known as black surgeon. It is from the warm waters of the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. The black chirping fish is characterized by its dark brown color with black, with a white strip that runs along its tail and its flanks. Its caudal fin has a crescent shape and is generally darker than the rest of its body. The black surgeon fish is about 30 centimeters long and weighs approximately one kilogram.

The black surgeon fish has sharp teeth on its side edges, which it uses to feed on corals and algae. It feeds mainly on the day and can be seen moving quickly along the reef in search of food. Black chirurgical fish is also known for its territorial behavior and can become aggressive towards other fish approaching its territory.

Black chirurgical fish is considered to be a key species for coral reefs, because it helps maintain the structure and diversity of ecosystems by feeding on algae which can otherwise suffocate corals. However, black surgeon fish is also threatened by human activities, such as illegal fishing and the destruction of coral reefs. Therefore, it is important to protect this species to preserve marine ecosystems.


  • Family : Acanthuridae
  • Origin : East Africa, Asia, Australia South West


  • Adult size : 55 cm
  • Behaviour : Aggressive
  • Food : Omnivorous


  • Water type : Seawater, hot
  • Temperature : 24 - 28 °C
  • pH : 7.4 - 8.4
  • Minimum aquarium capacity (in liters) : 800


Non -apparent


Unknown in aquarium.


  • Created by : AntoineR
  • Last update : 06/10/2022

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