Alestes longipinnis (Characin with long fins)

Alestes longipinnis (Characin with long fins)


This fish is suitable for a large community bac. It is a skillful and perennial swimmer who requires a lot of free space to facilitate swimming. Intense lighting is needed on dark ground. Good filtration is essential. A surplus of nitrates is unfavorable to its growth. Give him big flakes and living food.

Longginnis Aleste Fish, also known as African Chatfish, is a freshwater fish from Africa. It is a medium -sized fish, generally measuring between 10 and 15 centimeters long, although some specimens can reach up to 20 centimeters. African catfish is characterized by its elongated shape and its very long dorsal fin, which gives it its name. Her dress is generally gray or brown, with dark longitudinal strips along the body.

African catfish is a gregarious fish, that is to say it lives in a group with other catfish in the same species. It tends to move in benches, which makes it easy to spot in the water. African catfish is a very active fish, which likes to swim and explore its environment.

African catfish feeds mainly on small crustaceans and insects it finds in the water. He was also observed eating aquatic plants, although this is not his main food source. African catfish is a natural predator, which means that it hunts other animals to eat.

African catfish is a very popular aquarophilia fish, due to its relatively small size and its attractive color. However, it is important to note that it needs an aquarium large enough to live comfortably, especially if it is maintained in groups with other catfish in the same species. In addition, African catfish needs a well-filtered and well-oxygenated environment, with plants and hiding places to hide and rest.

In conclusion, African catfish is a gregarious, active and attractive freshwater fish from Africa. Its gray or brown dress with dark longitudinal strips along the body, as well as its very long dorsal fin, make it easily identifiable. African catfish is a popular aquarophilia fish, but it needs a fairly large and well-equipped aquarium to live comfortably.



  • Adult size : 12 cm
  • Behaviour : Pleasant
  • Food : Omnivorous


  • Water type : Freshwater, hot
  • Temperature : 21 - 27 °C
  • pH : 6.9 - 7.2
  • Minimum aquarium capacity (in liters) :


The male's backbones are very prolonged.


Not yet successful to date.


  • Created by : sunnmagic
  • Last update : 09/11/2022

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