Huso huso (Bélouga sturgeon)

Huso huso (Bélouga sturgeon)


The Huso Huso is a carnivorous fish belonging to the Family of Acinseridae, which also includes sturgeons. It is also known as Caviar Beluga, because its flesh is often used to produce higher quality caviar. The Huso Huso is a very imposing fish, often reaching sizes up to six meters long and weighing up to 1,000 kg. Its skin is covered with flat and smooth scales, and its color varies from light gray to pure white. Its head is wide and flat, with small eyes and a large mouth with sharp teeth used to hunt and capture its food.

The Huso Huso is a freshwater fish, originally from the great rivers of Eurasia, such as the Danube and the Amou-Daria, as well as the Rivers of the Caspian Sea. It needs a habitat rich in aquatic plants to feed and hide from predators, and prefers calm and shallow waters. The Huso Huso is considered a species threatened in many regions due to pollution, overfishing and destruction of its natural habitat.

The Huso Huso is a migratory fish, which can travel long distances to reproduce and lay its eggs. The reproduction period is generally between April and June, when the waters reach a temperature of approximately 12-15 degrees Celsius. The female can lay up to 10 million eggs at once, which are fertilized by the male and encrusted in the surrounding aquatic plants. Eggs generally hatch after 40-60 days, producing tiny larvae that will slowly develop in adult fish.

The Huso Huso is a lonely and territorial fish, which can become aggressive when it is during breeding or when threatened. It feeds mainly on smaller fish, crustaceans and molluscs, which it hunts using its speed and power. Its flesh is considered a choice of choice in many regions, although its consumption is often regulated because of its rarity and its vulnerability. The Beluga caviar produces from its eggs is also very popular for its delicate taste and its unique texture.



  • Adult size : 100 cm
  • Behaviour : Pleasant
  • Food : Carnivorous


  • Water type : Fresh water, cold
  • Temperature : 9 - 21 °C
  • pH : 6.9 - 8.2
  • Minimum aquarium capacity (in liters) :


  • Created by : sunnmagic
  • Last update : 11/11/2022

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